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Depression is one of the biggest hurdles in battling inward distress. When I say
Inward, I’m talking about the mask we wear on the outside, to hide how we feel on the inside. Women face unique struggles every day. 

Some struggles include domestic violence, emotional abuse, and sexual harassment. These are severe situations and if you or someone you know is living this way, please contact a professional help center. 

There are many variables that can lead to depression, a mood disorder that keeps you feeling sad or uninterested. It’s a misconception to assume that someone who is depressed is in an abusive situation at home. Today, let’s talk about how to reclaim the most powerful you!

Image of a depressed woman looking out the window.

How to Create a Bridge to Your Strength

Let’s face it, ladies, we face a lot of challenges, but most of them come from within. It’s true, that sometimes mental abuse can come from ourselves. As mentioned earlier, women have enough ‘women struggles’ to deal with on a regular basis. 

Stop telling yourself that you are not good enough. It’s going to take some time and practice but it’s all part of improving your personal growth. 

It’s important to understand those feminine qualities are much deeper than what they portray in movies and magazines. In order to start working on your personal development, you have start combating depression with positive thoughts about yourself. 

Raising your self-esteem might be harder if you’ve been diagnosed with a mental illness. Always consult with your doctor for medical advice, however, if you are trying to build your self-esteem, then try talking better to yourself. Having a nurturing relationship with yourself will put you on the road to happiness. 

What are Some of the Distractions affecting Your Best Self?

Loss of interest is a big symptom of depression. Depression often compromises your mental health more than once in your lifetime. If you start to recognize the signs, or what causes the onset, then it gets easier to avoid the trap of falling into a major depression. 

Let’s talk about some of the distractions that can hinder your happiness and productivity. Some of these may involve:

  1. Work-Life balance
  2. Financial situation
  3. Family responsibilities
  4. Lack of sleep
  5. Unhealthy diet

Is Worklife Balance Real?

The balance between work and life outside of work can have heavy stresses associated with it. You might be a wife, mother, grandmother, aunty, or anyone holding a feminine leadership role at home. It’s challenging being your best-self 24-hours a day, right?

Finding a technique for managing your time is one of the best ways to combat an unbalanced work life. It might mean that you have to say no to others sometimes, especially if you are already being stretched thin. Having too many obligations can leave you feeling overwhelmed and unhappy. 

So, use your crockpot a couple of times a week, and assign some chores to the kids. Even the little ones can pick up after themselves. 

Everyone has a Financial Situation

Finance is one of the leading topics of divorce and depression. Realize that everyone has to deal with money management. It’s better to learn sooner than later, rather than not at all. 

It takes time, income, and discipline to reduce debt. So be patient with yourself. 

Start by writing down your spending so you can see it on paper. (I know it sounds old school but I think there is something there to muscle memory). Visible seeing it on paper will help you to be more disciplined. 

Track your cash outflow and your cash inflow to create a budget that works for you. I’m sorry, but you might have to cut out a cup of coffee from the cafe. Making coffee from home will save you money and help get you on track. 

Family Responsibilities

Feeling the burden of family responsibilities can play a role in anxiety and stress. This is a special combination that can distract you from yourself. Everyone has a different role here so this is something to tread lightly. 

Some family situations can really weigh you down, like taking care of disabled loved ones, elderly parents, or family members fighting addictions. It’s important to identify when you need help and to act on it. It’s also important to know that helping others does not mean neglecting yourself. 

Lack of Sleep

According to Wikipedia, the lack of sleep is known as sleep debt. It continues to say that a sleep deficit can lead to mental exhaustion. The goal is to be good to yourself so getting enough rest is vital for managing the other aspects of your day and to help you feel good. 

Unhealthy Diet

Harvard Health released a publication titled “Gut Feelings: How Food Affects Your Mood”. The Contributor, Uma Naidoo, MD explains the connection between serotonin receptors and your gut. 90% of these receptors are found here. Serotonin is often referred to as your “happy hormone” because it is influential on your happiness. 



In your quest to find the most powerful you, consider these various factors that may influence your mental health. Use each of these five factors to evaluate your daily habits. Set reachable goals and use them to help guard yourself against feeling depressed. 

And remember, It’s okay to reward yourself or recognize each time you reach a new milestone.

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